Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday C.S. Lewis! 

"You're never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

Thursday, November 15, 2012

National  Book Award Winners Announced!

The 2012 National Book Awards took place last tonight, where accolades were given in each of four categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry and Young People's Literature.
The winners are:
Fiction: Louise Erdrich, The Round House
Non-Fiction: Katherine Boo, Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity
Poetry: David Ferry, Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations
Young People's Literature: William Alexander, Goblin Secrets


Monday, November 12, 2012


 Check out balloon artist Jeremy Telford's take on the Baggin's living room from the wonderful novel, "Lord of the Rings." It took him three days to build. Amazing! I wish I could visit!

 Everyone is good at something. Happy Writing and Creating Y'all!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's November! Where has the time flown? Thirty days of gratitude is celebrated this month. I have enjoyed reading my friends and family member's posts on facebook as they mark each and every day with an attitude of thankfulness. Today as we go to the polls to vote, I am grateful to live in a free country where we can vote for our leaders in a  peaceful manner. God Bless America!  I am also grateful for my family and friends! 

Since 1999, November is also NaNoWriMo month! Writers around the world are attempting to write 50,000 words in a month, thus completing a 160 page novel. That's 1,666 words a day. Whew! So God bless you writers who signed up for this international event.  "Keep on, keepin' on," as my father would say. Though I did not sign up for this event, I am chugging along on my novel and thus far I think I have around 15,000 words. But this story has been rattling around in my brain since 1993. Very scary. I now feel all the parts are coming together to finally expunge it from my system. So wherever you are, sit yourself down and glue your butt to the chair and write and create! Be thankful for those authors who have gone before us, who captured our hearts and imaginations and taught us the joy of the written word. We're still at the beginning of November, so there's plenty of time to join in and write. Happy Writing Y'all!

It is not happy people who are thankful. 
It is thankful people who are happy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

So, this fall has not gone the way I thought it would. Sure the leaves on the trees have turned russet and golden. Yes, our front lawn is covered with more leaves than any other house on our street, which is always the case. It's just that February has come early this year. What do I mean by that, you ask? For the last five years since we have lived in Bedford Falls, each and every February I have been holed up in my home quarantined with sick children. My record so far is six straight weeks as my children and I all took turns with hard-core colds and the flu.

So as I was anticipating pages and pages of my new novel stacking up on my desk and hoping for a first draft by Christmas, sadly I can only count three days since the kiddos started school that I've actually be alone. Gasp! I went to the ER twice this week with two of my adorable but croupey children. But now they are back in school and it is my aim to carve out a new writing regimen. One that I know will include lots and lots of caffeine and hand sanitizer.

To inspire us all, I read an article on R. L .Stine this week, as his first adult fiction book is coming out soon. It turns out that he at one point in his career was writing 12 "Goosebumps" novels a year. Now he is only writing 6 a year. Obviously one of his secrets to being a prolific writer is his "No Fly Zone" over his house that keeps the Croupe Fairy and her flu and flem riddled wand from blessing his air space.  So here's to some germ free writing time! Happy Writing and Creating Y'all!

Monday, October 8, 2012

As I get back into writing, I can't help but think of Ernest Hemingway's quote, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  So as I work on my novel, I wish I had some band aids. But not a regular, beige band aid, and not one with "Hello Kitty" or skulls stamped all over it. No, I need band aids that look like strips of bacon. Ahh, bacon!

I read a superb interview with Lisa See, the author of "Peony in Love" and "Snowflower and the Secret Fan." In her interview, she recounts writing advice that her novelist mother, Carolyn See, offered her on writing. She said to write a 1000 words a day so that in a week you would have a chapter. If you can't write 1000 words a day then try for 500, because in two weeks you would still have completed a chapter. I love this way of breaking down a novel into manageable parts. So here's to a 1000 words a day! Happy Writing and Creating and 1000's. Blessings!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yes, I have been off-grid for a while now. I have had children sick at home with me for over a week now. Very sad, and unfortunately not conducive to writing at all. But I have managed to read some great articles on writing, and work on a new t-shirt. Hopefully I will be getting that out soon. So here's to healthy children and time for writing and creating!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ahhhh!  The kiddos are back in school, but what have I discovered now that I am working on my novel? My brain is out of shape! Okay, I need to reread, "How to write killer fiction." and finish "How to write a --- good mystery."

I have been stretching, squeezing, and flexing my brain to the limit thinking about alibis all day long? Is this a good thing? Time will tell... Too bad my story doesn't include accusations of bad cooking and unfolded laundry, then I would be prepared to give answers for my world famous ugly lasagna or the growing mound of laundry that is quickly drifting through the laundry room, down a small hallway and into the family room.   Alright, good people, back to work! Cheers and Happy Writing and Creating, Y'all!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Now that the kiddos have all started school this morning, I am happy to announce my return to this blog. It was a busy and long summer, filled with skunks, one-eyed horses, stickers, poop, tadpoles, and the death of a dear murderous, vindictive fish. This little guppy's name changed several times from Lacy to Helen to Cupcake but by the end I just called her Jaws seeing how she ate every new little friend we gave her to keep her company. Long may Jaws rest in peace. I was also sidetracked with a small assignment of changing the front of our church sanctuary into the surface of the moon. Couldn't have done it without our wonderfully faithful and talented crew. So now I am back to writing. First order of business:

Encouragement!  Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.    T.S. Eliot

P.S. Love this definition sent to me this morning. It's so true! Happy Writing and Creating!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Here's the fabulous Emma McDaniel wearing a shirt she designed for me. Get your own fabulous frog shirt at Spread the Word!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ok - so I may not be writing a lot these days but here is a little something I have been up to these past few months. Please check this out on All Proceeds go to benefit worthy kiddos! Blessings!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This cute little frog wants to wish you all a very Happy Easter!