Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's November! Where has the time flown? Thirty days of gratitude is celebrated this month. I have enjoyed reading my friends and family member's posts on facebook as they mark each and every day with an attitude of thankfulness. Today as we go to the polls to vote, I am grateful to live in a free country where we can vote for our leaders in a  peaceful manner. God Bless America!  I am also grateful for my family and friends! 

Since 1999, November is also NaNoWriMo month! Writers around the world are attempting to write 50,000 words in a month, thus completing a 160 page novel. That's 1,666 words a day. Whew! So God bless you writers who signed up for this international event.  "Keep on, keepin' on," as my father would say. Though I did not sign up for this event, I am chugging along on my novel and thus far I think I have around 15,000 words. But this story has been rattling around in my brain since 1993. Very scary. I now feel all the parts are coming together to finally expunge it from my system. So wherever you are, sit yourself down and glue your butt to the chair and write and create! Be thankful for those authors who have gone before us, who captured our hearts and imaginations and taught us the joy of the written word. We're still at the beginning of November, so there's plenty of time to join in and write. Happy Writing Y'all!

It is not happy people who are thankful. 
It is thankful people who are happy.