Monday, October 8, 2012

As I get back into writing, I can't help but think of Ernest Hemingway's quote, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  So as I work on my novel, I wish I had some band aids. But not a regular, beige band aid, and not one with "Hello Kitty" or skulls stamped all over it. No, I need band aids that look like strips of bacon. Ahh, bacon!

I read a superb interview with Lisa See, the author of "Peony in Love" and "Snowflower and the Secret Fan." In her interview, she recounts writing advice that her novelist mother, Carolyn See, offered her on writing. She said to write a 1000 words a day so that in a week you would have a chapter. If you can't write 1000 words a day then try for 500, because in two weeks you would still have completed a chapter. I love this way of breaking down a novel into manageable parts. So here's to a 1000 words a day! Happy Writing and Creating and 1000's. Blessings!